Report Concerns
Raising Legal and Ethical Concerns
If you have a legal or ethical concern, please contact us so that we can address the issue. Choose whichever reporting option you are most comfortable using. Barracuda will investigate all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. In every instance where improper behavior is found, the company will take appropriate and proportionate action. We will not tolerate retaliation against employees who raise ethical or legal concerns in good faith.
3175 S Winchester Blvd
Campbell, CA 95008
Attn: Chief Legal Officer
Barracuda Employees
For Barracuda employees, the best starting point for seeking advice on ethics related issues or reporting potential violations of our Code of Business Conduct is usually your manager. If you do not feel that you can discuss the matter with your manager, you may raise the matter with the Company’s Chief Human Resources Officer or Chief Legal Officer.